Not all of us are extroverts by nature, and oftentimes struggle with social settings. Sometimes all it takes is a young man with his guitar to bring out his true self. That explains the core of The Brody Session, shot in some iconic Detroit locations, celebrating what is held near and dear to their hearts: history, music and passion.
Thank you Dayna and Rob for that initial text I received while watching a movie at the historic Redford Theater in Detroit so many months ago. Not only did it bring a smile to my face that you wanted to work with me, it was a wonderful opportunity to catch up after 20+ years of absence and make some new Friends! Brody, it was a true pleasure getting to know you and see the spark in your eyes when we would talk music. Your passion and knowledge about music is beyond your years, and I look forward to stealing your pixels once again in a bar in Detroit, only this time with you on stage. (Put me on the list, man!)
Here are just a few of my favorites…

#seniorphotosessions #seniorsessions #seniorphotographer#localdetroitphotographer #brettjlawrencephoto #stealingpixels