In this World we live in, we strive to connect with others to form Friendships. These Friendships are what help define who we are by the experiences we share. In the case of my Life, it was March 7, 2009 that I met a complete stranger and Artist that I am now lucky enough to be able to call my Muse, my Brother, my Friend: Russell Taylor, aka Satori Circus.

Russ, this picture, captured at the end of your last performance on Saturday night, is my absolute favorite. You on stage, the crowd mesmerized; it screams to me in all its silence and simplicity. I shot your entire show with a very specific lens, one that hyper focuses in the middle and blurs around the edges. I did this on purpose because it embodies what I think of when it comes to your artistry: It isn’t always clear what the message is, and you have to do a little bit of soul-searching to figure things out on your own. Thank you for the challenge all these years.
Congratulations on your 30 years, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me be a small part of it for the past 9 years, and for ALWAYS being a cheerleader for my own creative endeavors. I look forward to what the future holds and what adventures await.
Your Friend, Always, Brett