Graphic Design Project: A Mothers Addiction Journey Branding
Client: Katie Donovan
- Free Substance abuse treatment placement with trusted resources across the US that have been personally vetted
- Family Recovery Coaching
- Sober Coaching
- Interventions
- Court Assessments
- Sober Escort
Company Tagline: “Recover. Together.” It’s a family disease and we must work together to heal.
Solution: Addiction is a journey, and a journey that isn’t easy. Addiction can break your Heart, both as the family member or friend trying to help, as well as the individual suffering from addiction. Dealing with addiction and the recovery process is NEVER easy or clean or perfect. But, dealing with addiction MUST involve Love on an unquestionable level. All these factors tied together brought to mind an imperfect heart design. Recovery takes Love. Recovery sometimes breaks, and needs to start again. But, as long as you Recover Together, anything is possible.

If you, or someone you love, is suffering from addiction, please do not hesitate to reach out to Katie and her Team. I’ve known her for over 20+ years and can personally attest to her compassion and dedication to this cause, and have nothing but the highest Respect and Love for her efforts.
+1 586 556 2602
[email protected]