Spoken Eroticism in Pixel Form

A few perfectly placed words can be more powerful than an image made up of thousands of pixels.

Thank you to Sue Summers for letting me steal some pixels this year.  It has been a long hiatus from attending this event, and I am glad I came back.  The talent you drew this year was stellar!  I hope these images do your event justice.

The 31st Erotic Poetry & Music Festival
Saturday, Feb. 24
Tangent Gallery/Hastings Ballroom
Detroit, MI

Burlesque starring: Lushes LaMoan, Magenta DeMure, Sophia Stardust, Kitty Hawkk & Eris, Bootsie La Fontaine, Maxwell Demon
Poetry & Spoken Word by: Jimmy Doom, Dena Luckett, Lady of Pain, Lianna Trimble, Veronica Frick, Scott Boman, Michele Lundgren, Glenn Novak, Violet Jade, Heather Hahka, Tara Ray, Brittany Kelly

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