Something Wicked This Way Comes
Angels & Demons
Midnight Fairytales
My Gotham City
Bound Together Series
50th Annual Scarab Club Photography Exhibition
The Caelyn Session
Belle Isle Nights
Selections from Bound Together
My Dark Ophelia
The Vampira Session
Abandoned Detroit 2010 Series
Chrysalis, or American Gothic Redux
Damned Exhibition XII
Teaser: ‘Role Play’ One
EVENT: Boundless in Hamtramck
Form & Function Teaser
The collaboration of ideas & talents oftentimes leads to greater results than ever expected. This is definitely one of those projects. Stay tuned…

EVENT: ‘Stroke’ by Satori Circus
Spoken Eroticism in Pixel Form
The Brody Session
The Cameron Session
Damned X
5th Annual Michigan Burlesque Festival
which side do you feed?
The Family Circus
Rebecca Goldberg – Artist & Musician
Rebecca Goldberg – Artist & Musician
If you don’t know of her, learn.
If you’ve never met her, find.
If you’ve never heard her, listen.
Mr. Circus
Midnight Wanderings
Booking Now for Class of 2018 Senior Photo Sessions
Satori Circus Print Sale
The Beauty in Shadow & Light
Beauty can be found in the darkest of Shadows
or in the brightest of Light.
It is for You to decide where to look.
I offer you a compilation video of a series of Butoh performances done by my Friend, and Artist, Satori Circus at The Damned Exhibition in 2016. Accompanying him, creating the beautifully dark aural landscape, is the very talented Dixon with his violin.
This was my first real attempt at documenting… in real time… a performance artist. Â It was a challenge. Â I need to expand my reportoire… find new ways of expressing myself… new ways of capturing the moments of my Life. Â Every time I watch this it feels like I am there again… in that space… feeling every emotion…raw. Â Perfect.
Tell me. Â How do you feel? Â What do you see?
Foggy Goodness
When the weather is unseasonably warm and gives you the gift of fog, it’s best you take full advantage of it.
Titties for Pitties 2 Fundraiser
Michigan Burlesque Festival 2016
Last Season at The Corner
Satori Circus: Coming to a T-shirt near you…
Coming soon to a black t-shirt near you: Satori Circus Triptych Heads!
Based on the interest level, I plan on releasing a limited run of these halftone Satori Circus head T-shirts based on my original photograph from 2010.  You too can own one, or two, or all three of the images.
Whaddya think? Â Anyone wanna walk around town with a clown on their chest?
Leave your comments below so I can decide.
So this is happening today…
Join Klemm Gallery in welcoming Kelly Burke (’07) and Brett J. Lawrence (’95), our featured artists in the 2015 Alumni Exhibition from 6-8pm.
Burke’s abstract paintings “…focus on process and physicality of paint. The repetitious layering of, taking away, and re-application of color underneath automatic scrawling, scratching and mark-making express [her] inner psyche…”
Lawrence’s photographs document a collaborative project with performance artist Satori Circus, in which the two explore “…things that [they] each hold dear…photography, performance art and the history of an oftentimes struggling city with its beautiful historic theaters.”
This Friday, Studio Angelico will play host to the Homecoming Weekend Welcome Reception, and Klemm Gallery will be open to the public. Satori Circus, the subject of Lawrence’s photos, will perform in the gallery throughout the reception, and the artists will give a brief gallery talk at 7pm.