I am proud to announce that I have been selected to be a part of the Darkerkant Exhibition 2021 taking place on the Cap San Diego in Überberseebrücke, Hamburg, Germany. Originally postponed from its October 2020 timeline due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, with strict guidelines in place, the event is now taking place. I only wish I could be there to share the atmosphere, meet the other fantastic artists, and thank Marina Schreckling in person for her belief in my artwork.
Based on the theme of Love, Pain, and Purgatory, in the world of Dante’s Inferno, Bound 1-4 (which is just a few of the larger, more elaborate Series) is meant to make you question what you are seeing.
What are these two experiencing? Are they here by choice? What do the ropes signify? Are they suffering?
What do you think?
Thank you to my dear Friends, Satori Circus and Kiya Tiara for collaborating with me in this journey. Your patience and your perseverance paid off in these beautiful images.
If you are interested in a print of any of these images, they are available in a limited run of 10 each, signed and numbered. Contact me for more details.